Now, let’s take a look at the interior looking across the second floor sections.



We left the complex to go to the headquarters of Tapestries of Life Ministries to get orientation on what we were going to do Sunday. We were first going to a church that was putting on an Easter play. This play was going to be presented as a ministry activity for the motorcycle clubs of the El Paso. After the service there was going to be a cookout, we would have lunch. After lunch, Pastor Steve came over to us to talk about what was going on for the cyclists after lunch. He pointed out to us the lead guy of one of motorcycle clubs. He told us that he was a personal friend of President George Bush. When President Bush came to El Paso, he would stay at this guy’s place. After this we headed to Juarez to spend about 1 ½ hours shopping at a place called “The Market.”  We were told as we were traveling that when the van was parked that merchants would flock over to the van. They would try to sell us various types of jewelry. One being a necklace that would have a grain of rice in a vial with the name of your choice painted on the piece of rice. After our time was up, we traveled back across the boarder to El Paso, then on to Fabens to re-cross back into Mexico to return to the orphanage site. We ate dinner which was prepared by one of the staff that was an orphan herself several years ago. After our authentic Mexican dinner, Pastor Steve led devotions for the evening. He told us about the vision for the orphanage, how he got inspired to create this place for the orphan Mexican children. Pastor Steve went over Mark 10:14 – 24.  After the devotional time was over, Steve told us what are task would be for Monday.  We were going to put as much as possible aluminum roof on an old church that they purchased to use at first for a dormitory for the volunteer work teams that come to serve our Lord in building this orphanage.


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